Nature festival at City of Dubrovnik, November 15th 2014

Altough worldwide famous for its cultural and historical monuments, Dubrovnik can offer much more, especially regarding wildlife and biodiversity in general. For few years now, BIOM is trying to raise awarrenes among local people from Dubrovnik that there are more opportunities for tourism. Few years ago we proposed one day bird watching tours, two years ago we set up educational boards about birds in Dubrovnik and this year we are aiming to eye-to-eye contact with Dubrovnik citizens.

If, by any case, you are tourist or foreigner in Dubrovnik, join us on Saturday, November 15th 2014 between 10 AM and 5 PM in premises of City of Dubrovnik Development Agency, Branitelja Dubrovnika 15.

Letak Ptice grada Dubrovnika
