The arrival of spring has awoken not just the nature around us, but also us, birdwatchers and bird lovers! Last week, from March 27th until April 1st, we held three birdwatching events in Zagreb.
A neighborhood walk for Biom members

Urban biodiversity is often overlooked as a part of nature worthy of protection. The health of urban ecosystems depends on the state of urban biodiversity, and awareness of the importance of urban ecosystems is a prerequisite for the coexistence of people and animals in urban areas. With that in mind, we walked with our members through Vrbik, where Biom’s headquarters are situated. We familiarised ourselves with good and bad methods of natural area management, and many of our members were surprised by the number and diversity of species we encountered during our 2-hour walk.
A birdwatching for citizens

The announced bad weather did not discourage us from organising our 4th birdwatching for citizens event this year! We took around 20 participants for a 2-hour walk during which they had an opportunity to enjoy typical scenes at Savica – hovering kestrels hunting, chattering magpies preparing for nesting, numerous local singing songbirds, and even pond turtles enjoying the first rays of sun!
A second bird ID field training

The second BirdID field training took place in Maksimir. Away from the noise of the city, participants practiced their skills in identifying birds found in urban and forest habitats. The outing was special due to long and fearless ‘posing’ of a black woodpecker, Europe’s largest woodpecker, and the unexpected sighting of an osprey, a magnificent species that passes through Croatia during migration, and is very unlikely to be spotted above urban habitats!