Spring Alive workshop in Prague

  • 11.01.2012.

New breeding season is approaching, and before it happens, migratory bird must come from Africa. Same as last year, we will actively join that process through Spring Alive campaign. Spring Alive is educational activity for kids, parents, grandparents, teachers, etc. All citizens can join it.

Spring Alive is based on web-page www.springalive.net which is used in all participating countries. In November last year, Spring Alive workshop was held in Prague, Czech Republic. Two BIOM representatives participated in discussions on social networks, marketing, IBAs promotion, etc.

If you want to join Spring Alive campaign in Croatia please contact us, or if you want to join it in your country, please visit www.springalive.net were you can find details on national partners in your country.

Participants of Spring Alive Workshop in Prague, Czech Republic
Photo by Gediminias Petkus, Lietuvos ornitologų draugija (Lithuanian BirdLife partner)