Nature alert

Nature lovers, the time to act is now.

As you are reading this, over 100 NGOs across Europe are simultaneously launching a campaign to save nature from the Commission President Juncker’s deregulation agenda. All the organizations are joined forces in the online action “Nature alert” that will enable citizens of 28 EU countries to participate in the public consultations of European Commision and, by doing so, save the laws that protect nature in Europe.

The e-action marks the beginning of a pan-European, multi-annual campaign to stop any threats to current nature protection efforts and to obtain better implementation and enforcement of Europe’s nature laws.

Europe’s nature laws (the Birds and Habitats Directives) are recognised as some of the strongest in the world to protect animals, plant and habitats from extinction. Thanks to these laws, Europe now has the world’s biggest network of protected areas, Natura 2000, covering about one fifth of Europe’s land and 4% of its marine sites.

The European Commission has decided to carry out an in-depth evaluation of both laws to determine whether they are effective in protecting our natural world. There is plenty of scientific literature that prove the effectiveness of the Directives but the evaluation process is happening in a context that is clearly hostile to nature conservation.

The NGO internet action allows citizens to take part in the public consultation until 24 July 2015 and is the only opportunity for the public to express their views during this technical evaluation.

Make your voice heard!

Thank you

Orao štekavac (Haliaeetus albicilla), WWF
Orao štekavac (Haliaeetus albicilla), WWF
