Griffon vultures have an offspring, let’s name it!

  • 22.03.2024.

Before the arrival of spring, our LIFE SUPport team welcomed the first new arrival of youngsters – a griffon vulture that hatched on the cliff of the island of Plavnik!


We will monitor the nestling and its development regularly with a video camera that records the nest each day until summer, while it should remain in the nest. We hope that the caring parents will be successful in nurturing their baby bird so that it will be strong enough to make its first flight and the begin an independent life. Griffon vultures in Kvarner face various challenges and threats, and with activities within the LIFE SUPport project, we try to mitigate the most important negative impacts with the aim of the long-term survival of these fascinating birds in Kvarner!


In the case of our baby bird, it all started at the end of last year, when its parents re-established their long-term relationship and re-arranged the old nest. We all know what precedes the creation of new life in many living organisms 😉 and in the case of the griffon vulture the life is initially hidden inside the egg shell. The egg incubation period for this species lasts relatively long, almost two months, which the parents, taking turns in the nest, successfully completed!


At this moment, we want to give the offspring of the Kvarner population of griffon vultures a name by which we will call it during its, we hope, long and fulfilling life. That’s why we invite all bird and nature lovers to get involved and give their name proposals by commenting below the Facebook posts. The deadline for name nominations is Wednesday, March 27th, after which we will select three names from the ones you suggested and then open voting at the Biom website. We will close the contest on April 2nd and announce the winning name of the youngster.


For the “godparents” whose name proposals are among the three names that will be chosen in the vote, we have prepared special gift packages.

Join the action!


Translated by Tihana Goričnik