Bird watch towers opened on the delta of river Nereva

This week we participated in the festive opening of the bird watch towers in the Neretva valley, which for the first time on a regional level, symbolically affords this area an important role in bird watching tourism and the promotion of nature conservation and preservation. One of the watch towers is located along the Neretva river, focusing on the birds that use the river mouth as a feeding place, while the other one is located next to the ornithological reserve Pod Gredom, next to the village Vid, overlooking the cane. The infrastructure is the initiative of the Public Institution “Nature of Dubrovnik-Neretva”, which built the watch towers with the funds of the World Bank loan under the EU Integration Project Natura 2000 (NIP).

At the very end river mouth you will have the opportunity to witness species such as a Pygmy Cormorant, Eurasian Spoonbill, curlews, herons, sterns, waders, and many others, while if you look towards the cane you will have a chance to see warblers, Bearded Tit, crakes, geese and others. In addition, another great thing about this area is the possibility of seeing rocky species such as Rock Nuthatch, Sombre Tit, Rock Partridge, Short-toed Eagle…

And on this occasion we invite all bird and nature lovers to visit the watch towers and testify to the richness that the Neretva Valley abounds in!





karta promatracnice Neretva
