Projekt “Birds and Nature Conservation” u sklopu Europske volonterske službe

  • 04.04.2016.


Ove godine započeli smo i drugi projekt u sklopu programa Erasmus+ Europska volonterska služba (Ključna aktivnost 1: Mobilnost u području mladih) pod nazivom “Nature and birds conservation”. Tom prilikom nam se pridružila volonterka Florbela Torres iz Portugala, koja s nama ostaje godinu dana tijekom kojih će sudjelovati u različitim aktivnostima koje provodimo. Partnerska organizacija iz Portugala je organizacija Associação Social Recreativa Juventude de Vila Fonche/Juventude koja se bavi mladima.

Projekt je u potpunosti financiran sredstvima Europske unije.

Evo i kako se Florbela predstavila BIOM-ovcima:

My name is Florbela Torres, I’m a Portuguese biologist post-graduated in Ecology, 24 years old, especially interested in Wild Animals Conservation and Environment. After some diverse small experiences in Conservation, during which I had the opportunity of deal with different species and environmental issues – Ethology of Common Dolphin in Portugal, Lesser Kestrel Breeding and Exotic Animals Rescue (mainly primates) in Spain, Marine Turtles Conservation with the unfortunate poaching situation, in Cabo Verde, and finally the actual most endangered feline in the world, the Iberian Lynx, once again in Portugal – I’m nowadays in Croatia.Currently in Zagreb, doing my EVS with BIOM – organization focus on Birds Conservation. EVS means a new experience abroad, cultural exchange, and opportunity of learning or improving skills, challenges! For no particular reason I chose Croatia, but going in (the stunning) Plitvice National Park made the trip already worth it!”


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